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Writer's pictureLakshminarasimman V Rao

JSS -DM306-LGMA-BL01M00-Day01-06Dec21

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Understanding Basics of Lead Generation, What do the Lead Generators do. Power of Communication

JSS -DM305 Lead Generation-BL01M00-Day01-07Oct20


1. What are business Leads.

A lead is a person or business who may become a client. Lead also refers to the data that identifies an entity as a potential buyer of a product or service. Businesses gain access to sales leads through advertising, trade shows, direct mailings, third parties, and other marketing efforts

2. Why Leads are important? importance in today's online world. Importance in Covid world?

  1. Ensures Continuity of business in Covid situation

  2. Expands the scope of area of operations

  3. Online presence and online payment is now primary source of business in many cases

  4. Prospective customers verify business credentials

3. Why a specialist Lead Generator?

  1. specialist in field

  2. knows the advantages and limitations

  3. direct relation to cost and value received

  4. understands the dynamics of Online market

4. What are the aspects of the call a lead generator will look for?

  1. product attributes

  2. scope of market

  3. customer profile

  4. budget for online campaign

  5. reach and upload

  6. Cost of preparation of Advt

  7. cost of Affiliate marketers

  8. Transportation and delivery of goods logistics support

5. What according to you should be a lead generator - an employee or freelancer?

Trust Factor, Data Security, List of customers, Price and Cost Factor, Training and Expertise Level.


- opportunity

- skill

- pay single time/not fixed pay

- boundary and limited scope

- Big Business


- more profile

- should train/expenses

- charges are fixed, so much more

- Big Business

6. Use Content Marketing to Establish Thought Leadership

7. Its all about needs and perception of Need

What are the key aspects of/ to include on Pamphlet/brochure:

  1. Logo/sketch/ Image = equal to 1000 words

  2. Your Advt needs something to grab a potential customer's attention

  3. Have a independent assessment

  4. The Purpose of the Brochure.

  5. Contact Information. ...

  6. Call to Action.

  7. Call Needs of the customer/idea

  8. How it should look like pamphlet look like - regional understanding - who is going to my reader

  9. final consumer Vs Customer (who will pay?)

  10. customer profile - User Profile - Created

  11. logo

  12. contact /email, address

  13. matter - main Content

  14. web address

  15. Main offering of Business eg Course offering

  16. procedure of accessing

  17. Purpose of new course being offered

  18. Success Stories - Performance of ex students

  19. Promises and Promises - 100% job guarantee/satisfaction; placement Guarantee

  20. QR Code - add a dash of Tech

  21. Early bird Discount - eg first 5 students - hurry/last


Lead generation, the marketing process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing a sales pipeline, allows companies to nurture targets until they're ready to buy. Lead generation can be useful for any type or size of business, and for both B2C and B2B spaces.

Lead Generation in digital marketing is the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into products or services of a business.

Lead Generation, in the digital marketing world, can be broken down into sets of marketing activities that correspond with the customer’s buying journey with the aim to;

  1. Generate traffic to the business’s website

  2. Covert those website visitors into leads

  3. Convert the leads into customers.

Once a lead has been made, it can then be passed onto the sales team for them to nurture and then convert into a buying customer. This can be done is a variety of ways. It could be that the customer’s email is added to an email newsletter for further follow up, a phone call could be made to the client or an email.

How to Generate Leads With Your Digital Marketing

  1. Use Content Marketing to Establish Thought Leadership

  2. Leverage Paid Social

  3. Optimize Your Site for Local SEO

  4. Segment Email Marketing

Blog | Corporate Neeti Consulting Private Limited | Mysuru

Lakshminarasimman V Rao | JSS CMS | Lead Generation and Marketing Automation | MBA| Study notes | Study Material | MBA | Corporate Neeti Consulting | Mysuru

All data above is a combination of data from Internet, purpose of this doc is for research and education only and responses received from Class students and interaction.

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